Concat(Instruction...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the results of a sequence of instructions.

Delete(Instruction, int) ➜ Instruction;

Deletes the characters from the result of an instruction starting at a given index and proceeding until to the end of the string.

Delete(Instruction, int, int) ➜ Instruction;

Deletes a given number of characters from the result of an instruction starting at a given index.

Join(string, Instruction...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the results of a sequence of instructions with a given string.

Join(Instruction, Instruction...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the results of a sequence of instructions with the result of an instruction.

Lowercase(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Lowercases the result of an instruction.

PadEnd(Instruction, int) ➜ Instruction;

Adds a given number of spaces to the end of the result of an instruction.

PadEnd(Instruction, string, int) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates a string repeated a given number of times to the end of the result of an instruction.

PadEnd(Instruction, Instruction, int) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the result of the second instruction repeated a given number of times to the end of the result of the first.

PadStart(Instruction, int) ➜ Instruction;

Adds a given number of spaces to the beginning of the result of an instruction.

PadStart(Instruction, string, int) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates a string repeated a given number of times to the beginning of the result of an instruction.

PadStart(Instruction, Instruction, int) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the result of the second instruction repeated a given number of times to the beginning of the result of the first.

Replace(Instruction, char, char) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces instances of the first character with the second in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, char[], char[]) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces instances of the characters in the first array with the character at the same index in the second array in the result of an instruction. If the corresponding index is outside the range of the second array, the character is removed.

Replace(Instruction, string, string) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces instances of the first string with the second in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, string, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces instances of a string with the result of an instruction, in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, string, string ➜ string) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms instances of a string in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, string, (string, int) ➜ string) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms and counts instances of a string in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, string, (string, int) ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms and counts instances of a string in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Regex, string) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces each match of a Regex with a stirng in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Regex, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces each match of a Regex with the result of an instruction, in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Regex, string ➜ string) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms each match of a Regex in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Regex, (string, int) ➜ string) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms and counts each match of a Regex in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Regex, string ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms each match of a Regex in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Regex, (string, int) ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms and counts each match of a Regex in the result of an instruction.

Replace(Instruction, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Replaces each match of the result of the second instruction with that of the third in the result of the first.

Replace(Instruction, Instruction, string ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms each match of the result of the second instruction in the result of the first.

Replace(Instruction, Instruction, (string, int) ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms and counts each match of the result of the second instruction in the result of first.

Substring(Instruction, int) ➜ Instruction;

The string of characters from a given index to the end of the result of an instruction

Substring(Instruction, int, int) ➜ Instruction;

The string of characters with a maximum length starting from a given index of the result of an instruction.

Titlecase(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Converts the result of an instruction to titlecase.

Trim(Instruction, char...) ➜ Instruction;

Removes all occurences of the given characters from the beginning and end of the result of an instruction.

TrimEnd(Instruction, char...) ➜ Instruction;

Removes all occurences of the given characters from the end of the result of an instruction.

TrimStart(Instruction, char...) ➜ Instruction;

Removes all occurences of the given characters from the beginning of the result of an instruction.

Uppercase(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Capitalizes the result of an instruction.