Block(Instruction...) ➜ Instruction;

Applies a sequence of instructions returning the result of the last one.

Mutate<T>(T, T ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms a value to an instruction.

Mutate<T>(Instruction, string ➜ T, T ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Transforms the result of an instruction to a value, then transforms that value to an instruction.

Print(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Writes the result of an instruction to the standard output.

PrintError(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Writes the result of an instruction to the standard error output.

PrintErrorLine(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Writes the result of an instruction to the standard error output followed by a new line.

PrintLine(Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Writes the result of an instruction to the standard output followed by a new line.