Buffer(int) ➜ Instruction;

Alters the output buffer of a Document. If the buffer is invalid, all subsequent writes to the document are ignored until a valid buffer is given.

Clear(in Document) ➜ string;

Clears the contents and resets the state of a Dcoument.

Get(string) ➜ Instruction;

Retrieves the value with the given name in a Document and converts it to a string. If the name is not defined, "" is returned.

Get<T>(string, T ➜ Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Retrieves the value with the given name and type in a Document and applies an instruction transformer to it. If the name is not defined or of the given type, "" is returned.

RAW(Instruction, int...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the content of all valid buffers after applying an instruction to a Document.

Read(int...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the contents of all valid buffers in a sequence. If the sequence is empty, the last buffer set is read.

ReadLine(int...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the contents of all valid buffers in a sequence with a new line. If the sequence is empty, the last buffer set is read.

Set<T>(string, T) ➜ Instruction;

Binds the given name to the specified value in a Document, if the document does not have a definition for it.

SetOrUpdate<T>(string, T) ➜ Instruction;

Binds the given name to the specified value in a Document, overwriting the previous definition if one exists.

Unset<T>(string) ➜ Instruction;

Removes the given name in a Document if it is defined.

Update<T>(string, T) ➜ Instruction;

Binds the given name to the specified value in a Document, if the document has a definition for it.

WAR(int...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the content of all valid buffers and writes the result to the current buffer of a Document.

Write(Instruction...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the results of each instruction in a sequence and writes the result to the current buffer of a Document.

Write(IEnumerable<string>) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates a collection of strings and writes the result to the current buffer of a Document.

WriteLine(Instruction...) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates the results of each instruction in a sequence with a new line and writes the result to the current buffer of a Document followed by a new line.

WriteLine(IEnumerable<string>) ➜ Instruction;

Concatenates a collection of strings with a new line and writes the result to the current buffer of a Document followed by a new line.