If(string ➜ bool, Instruction, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Applies a test to the result of the first instruction and returns the second if it is true, otherwise the third instruction is returned.

If<T>(T ➜ bool, T, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Applies a test to a value and returns the first instruction if it is true, otherwise the second.

IfDef(string, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Checks if a name is defined in a document and returns the first instruction if it is true, otherwise the second.

IfN(string ➜ bool, Instruction, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Applies a test to the result of the first instruction and returns the second if it is false, otherwise the third instruction is returned.

IfN<T>(T ➜ bool, T, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Applies a test to a value and returns the first instruction if it is false, otherwise the second.

IfNDef(string, Instruction, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Checks if a name is defined in a document and returns the first instruction if it is true, otherwise the second.