AppendTo(string, int...) ➜ Instruction;

Appends the concatenated content of all valid buffers in a Document to the file specified by the given path.

AppendTo(string, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Appends the result of an instruction to the file specified by the given path.

AppendLineTo(string, int...) ➜ Instruction;

Appends the content of all valid buffers in a Document, concatenated with a new line, to the file specified by the given path followed by a new line.

AppendLineTo(string, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Appends the result of an instruction to the file specified by the given path followed by a new line.

Include(string...) ➜ Instruction;

Reads and concatenates with a new line the content of the files specified by the list of paths, then writes the result to the current buffer followed by a new line.

Open(string) ➜ Instruction;

Reads the contents of the file specified by the given path.

SaveTo(string, int...) ➜ Instruction;

Writes the concatenated content of all valid buffers in a Document to the file specified by the given path. Overwrites the content of the file if it exists.

SaveTo(string, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Appends the result of an instruction to the file specified by the given path. Overwrites the content of the file if it exists.

SaveLineTo(string, int...) ➜ Instruction;

Appends the content of all valid buffers in a Document, concatenated with a new line, to the file specified by the given path followed by a new line. Overwrites the content of the file if it exists.

SaveLineTo(string, Instruction) ➜ Instruction;

Appends a new line and the result of an instruction to the file specified by the given path followed by a new line. Overwrites the content of the file if it exists.